Unetbootin For Mac Os X 10.7
UNetbootin allows you to create bootable Live USB drives for Ubuntu, Fedora, and other Linux distributions without burning a CD. It runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. How to Install Mac OS X 10.7 Lion on PC/Laptop. Boot into existing Mac OS X installation (Leopard or Snow Leopard). This can be your friend’s Mac, it doesn’t matter. Double click Mac OS X Lion.dmg to mount it. In the Terminal, Type the following: open /Volumes/Mac OS X Install ESD/BaseSystem.dmg.
If you had issues trying to create a bootable linux usb for a pc, from your Mac, the below tutorial might help you. Even though it sounds slightly ironic, creating a pc bootable linux distro from a Mac, it’s a situation I recently faced. So sharing the workaround.
The issue is the last version of UNetbootin I tried, extracts and installs linux successfully, however fails to create a bootable usb. So here are the steps
1. Go to finder/Spotlight, and launch Disk Utility
2. Select the usb disk, and create a partition. Format it as MS-DOS FAT and select Options > MBR
3. Go to the Terminal, and type the following
locate the name of your usb device. In my case it was rdisk2. Depending on your OS version it could differ.
Make the partition active and unmount the disk
4. Now, download the latest syslinux.zip, and extract and locate the mbr.bin
Go back to the extracted folder in the terminal, and install mbr.bin
5. Now download and install UNetbootin for Mac, and proceed as usual. Select the distro and click ok.
This usb stick should be bootable on any pc, with your favorite distro :)
Credit: Paul MaundersSuperUser Forum
Hi all. Just putting this in the system in case it happens to correlate with anything else you’re looking at.
Unetbootin Alternative Mac
I downloaded the latest version (version doesn’t show up when I run unetbootin, but it’s the latest on the website) for my Mac, running OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.8. Used it with the following ISOs and installs:
FreeDos, EasyPeasy 1.6 ISO, and Acer Aspire One 3310 firmware update. Every time I created the USB image, it got ‘Missing operating system’ when I attempted to boot from my USB stick on my Aspire One. I spent hours … carefully formatting the stick FAT32, d/l’ing the latest unetbootin, etc. Really slaved at it … tearing out my hair.
Finally I tried doing the download of unetbootin and the EasyPeasy ISO on the Aspire One itself, which at the time was running Kuki Linux, an old version from 2009. And what do you know, it worked.
Unetbootin For Windows 10
Perhaps this will help the developers track down this intermittent but not-unheard-of bug.
The USB stick is a SanDisk 16G Cruzer.
Unetbootin Mac Os X Lion
Really hope you guys can track this down eventually … I spent several hours hacking at this last night.